Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A new beginning!

Well Iam offically a Tiger a Metro Tiger that is. I got the call today at 5:25 that I have been offered the job of preschool teacher. I can't even put into words how I feel right now. Iam sooo excited, this is what I have waited since March 16th to hear.

I get to continue working with most of my same children. I get to feel apart of a real school, which has been a while since I have felt that way.

I will however miss two of my best buds, Amee and Avion. They never read this but if by chance they do I just want them to know that I love them so much and I could not have made it through these last 7 years without them and yes Amee we will continue to be the best of friends.

On a different note I want to ask for prayers for my dad next week. He will be having surgery to remove a polyup (missed spelled) and part of his colon. I also want to say a prayer for baby Stellan, I have come to know him through his mom's blog and have really been praying for him and all he and his family are going through and all the other little ones who are in need of prayers right now.

Well that is all for know. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bible Study

So I started a bible study tonignt at my church ( When Wallflowers Dance )and let me tell you that it is already amazing. I had so many emotions running through me tonight and it felt great. I can't wait to see what next week brings and to get started with my bible time. Hope to be able to post some great things I learn over the next 7 weeks.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Frustrated and Done

Have you ever just felt like you want to be done with everything! Well that's how I feel at this very moment. My 5 year old son is giving me a fit and I mean fit about going to bed and Iam soooo frustrated. I hate to feel this way and I feel bad to feel this way especially when I read all the blogs about families going through such hard time. I mean the things I am going through are trivial compared to other blogging ladies.

First I feel my children want listen to me and it's sooo frustrating. I just am unsure of what Iam doing wrong.

Second I am done with not having confidence about myself and feeling so down because of my weight. I mean I did put it on (which I enjoyed :) ) so now I need to take it off but it is so hard.

Third I am about to loss my job and I have never been in this kind of situation before and it scares me.

Fourth my husband can be a a$$ at times and I look at my marriage and say this is not what I planned on .

Like I said this problems seem so silly compared to others but Iam human. It feels good just to write about it and let it out. I just want to be happy with the life God has given me. I pray to him and talk to him but I haven' t gotten any answers. I know that I cannot give up. Well I am off to bed my son has finally calmed down.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A give-a-way and a good cause


I found this family through Kelly's blog and I have been keeping up with how their sweet little girl is doing. Her mom is doing a give-a-way that everyone should check out as well as you can learn more information about her daughter's condition.
I think this is such a great way to make people aware of CHD (congenital heart defect). I had never heard of this before I read her blog. Anyway's for the few of you who do read my blog go check out the Welsh Family blog!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

That's my boy!!!

Well I love to dance and sing. Give me some music and I can cute a rug. :) So it is only fitting that my son (who is 5 ) follows in my foot steps. I was changing my daughter and when I walked out of her room this is what I saw.

And yes that is his St. Patty's Day hat!

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Don't cry because it's over"

Smile because it happened! This is my new saying. Well it is official. April 3rd Iam out of a job. A job that I love a job that I have been at for the past 7 years. Let me start from the beginning. When I was in college I did an internship at LifeSpan Circle School. This particular school was school for children with and without disabilities. I loved it there and knew after college I wanted to teach there. After I graduated that is just what I did. I got a job teaching in the oldest room there. I worked with the 4 and 5 year olds. For the first few years I worked with children with and without disabilities. These last few years I have had more EC children and I love it. These children are my heart. This is what I was put on earth to do I know it. Well my company decided to close us and know I feel like my world it broken. This is all I have known for the past 7 years. I have made some of my closet friends here and met some wonderful children who have really changed me as a person. This is all I know. I can't even imagine not going there daily. I found the saying "Don't cry because it's over smile because it happened" and this is soooo fitting. I have been telling myself to look back and look at all the lives I have made a difference in. I will be trying to get a teaching job at the school that all of these children will be going to so I just keep praying and keep my fingers crossed.

Anyway I have to start cleaning out my room and 7 years is a long time to accumulate stuff

That is in my room, not only that but also things in my room and on the walls.

Well I have loved every minute of it and I hope only the best for these kids. I love everyone of them like they were my own.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

Well here we sit at home with snow everywhere. It is soooo beautiful. Iam guessing this will be the last snow for this season. Iam ready for a little spring time. We bought some new outdoor furniture that I want to put out, but so glad we haven't yet. I took the kids and dog out this morning. Not sure who had more fun the kids or the dog.

Kyle enjoyed making snowballs and then wanting to throw them at me. Not somthing I was really enjoying but I guess it's ok a few times snow only comes a few times a year.

My little shudder bug!